Yes, my password is: Forgot your password?Christmas Classical Contemporary Hymns. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Replies: 5 Views: 11, Replies: 7 Views: 2, Share This Page Tweet. Replies: 1 Views: 2, Replies: 1 Views: 1, Jimsweb Jun 26, Buy and sell your MIDI, karaoke, yamaha and korg style files administratorJun 2,in forum: Suggestions and feedback. RajMay 23,in forum: General talks, Chit chat and Introduce yourself. Messages: 2, Likes Received: I'm just copy pasting the lsit here so that it would be easy for us to refer. Messages: 1, Likes Received: Jimsweb Super Moderator. Hello, Please Sign-up now to request music notations for your favorite songs! It's free! If you have already registered, please login. Click here.Discussion in ' General talks, Chit chat and Introduce yourself ' started by vishnu narayananJul 21, Film music notes and resources. The melody is usually a solo instrument violin, trumpet, horn etc with a bass and piano accompaniment. Starting with the computer generated Band files, a midi file is generated, that is then played into the Garritan Virtual Instrument Libraries. Note: these band recordings are computer generated.

You can select the style that best suits your church needs. There are 'small band', 'swing band' and 'mainly piano' recordings. Very suitable for learning new hymns as the melody is clearer, and also in those churches that like the Organ sound as well. These are the Organ recordings with a basic piano recording added. There are the un-emblished 'simple piano' and the embellished 'mainly piano' recordings which are suitable for playing in those churches which prefer a piano to the organ, or in small groups or home church environment. With the wide variety of music in our churches, this site seeks to provide a number of recording styles: Pipe Organ hymns suitable for traditional churches. This is because all songs are public domain, and all performers have surrendered their copyright performance rights, thereby letting you freely stream or video this music. There are no copyright issues with live streaming the videos and music on this site for your church services. Comment from a user: Just wanted to say thanks for the Small Band music - it's a great new addition to your website! South Africa.