After this, for each Specialist you add, the Governor will take a citizen off the worst tiles first, keeping your City's main priority intact while trying to prevent starvation. The Governor will choose the best tiles available for your workers and assign specialists that boost that resource, if available. Make sure the manual specialist control check box is clear, then select the priority for your city - food, production, etc. You can tweak cites to get maximum output of multiple resources when utilizing Specialists like Scientists and Engineers. Managing Your City - the Governor, Specialists, and Locking Tiles Ĭivilization Management in Gods and Kings & Brave New World

If you'd like to provide a tip for this list, please send an email to. Here I hope to offer helpful hints about managing your Civilization. Civilization 5 can be very difficult to master, and for people not used to the turn-based strategy genre, very difficult even on the "normal", Prince difficulty. This guide features a selection of tips for Civ 5 and its DLC, Gods and Kings and Brave New World.

Civilization V Tips & How To's for Vanilla Civ 5, Brave New World & Gods and Kings